Dr. Kakalee K Saha
Diabetologist and Obesity Specialist
Dr. Kakalee K Saha has worked in India and USA in internal medicine and endocrinology. For the past decade has been practicing as a consultant diabetologist in Mumbai.
She has special interest in diabetes remission and is also associated as consultants for diabetes reversal programs helping patients manage diabetes without medications.
Medical treatment of obesity is new and a growing field with few experts. She is certified by the world body The Strategic Centre for Obesity Professional Education (SCOPE) as an obesity physician consultant. Safe and sustainable weight loss through holistic methods is her passion.
Diabetic foot medical treatment- early detection of diabetic neuropathy through foot test and medical management of diabetic foot is done at the clinic. She has done certificate diabetic foot management courses
Diabetes treatment and Remission, thyroid and obesity management
20+ Years of experience
Professional Membership
Member of the prestigious American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists since 2019.
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Dr. Kakalee K Saha
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Dr. Sandip Bhurke
Nephrologist Super-Specialist
26 Years of experience
Dr. Vaishali Killekar
Gynecologist Specialist
22 Years of experience
Dr. Pratichi Kadam-Pillai
Paediatric Nephrologist Specialist
15 Years of experience